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Legal notice – Th. Funk & Sohn GmbH

Legal Notice

Legal information/provider identification as per § 5 German Telemedia Act (TMG),  § 18 of The Interstate Treaty on Media (Medienstaatsvertrag – MStV)

1. Company name and address, commercial register, VAT identification number:

Th. Funk & Sohn GmbH

Valentinskamp 20

20354 Hamburg

Phone +49 40 35914-0

Fax +49 40 35914-407

Email: welcome@funk-gruppe.de

Register court:

Hamburg District Court

Register No HRB 21007

Th. Funk & Sohn GmbH

Budapester Strasse 31

10787 Berlin

Phone +49 30 250092-0

Fax +49 30 250092-755

Email: welcome@funk-gruppe.de

Register court:

Charlottenburg District Court

Register No HRB 11982

VAT identification number: DE183895484

Responsible for journalistic editorial copy as per § 18 of The Interstate Treaty on Media (Medienstaatsvertrag – MStV):
Dr. Anja Funk-Münchmeyer, Valentinskamp 20, 20354 Hamburg, Germany

2. Managing directors (address as above):

Christoph Bülk

Nicolai Kurth

Wolfram Nieradzik

Michael Pfeifer

3. Professional information:

Th. Funk & Sohn GmbH is an insurance agent (Federal Republic of Germany) and has a licence in accordance with Section 34(d) (1) Trade Regulations Act (GewO). It is a member of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, Adolphsplatz 1, 20457 Hamburg and the Berlin Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Fasanenstrasse 85, 10623 Berlin, which also serve as supervisory authorities.

Th. Funk & Sohn GmbH is registered in the register of insurance brokers (www.vermittlerregister.info) under Register No D-W9X9-XLCSM-94.

Professional regulations:

Section 34(d) Trade Regulations Act (GewO)

Sections 59 – 68 Insurance Contracts Act (VVG)

Insurance Brokers Regulation (VersVermV)

The professional regulations can be viewed and accessed via the home page operated by the Federal Ministry of Justice and by juris GmbH at www.gesetze-im-internet.de.

You can also find us here:


You can contact us by phone on + 49 40 35914 0 and by emailing welcome@funk-experts.de.

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